Created by Charlie Brooker. With Daniel Lapaine, Hannah John-Kamen, Michaela Coel, Beatrice Robertson-Jones. An anthology series exploring a twiste high-tech. It examines modern society, particularly with regard to the unanticipated consequences of new technologies.

Three new stories about the future we should have seen coming. Black Mirror returns June 5th. With Fionn Whitehea Craig Parkinson, Alice Lowe, Asim Chaudhry. In the near future, everyone has access to a memory implant that records everything they do, see and hear. You need never forget a face again - but is that always a. Serien er skapt av satirikeren, forfatteren og journalisten Charlie Brooker, og avsnittene er frittstående.
Nosedive er den første episoden av den tredje sesongen av den britiske science fiction antologi-serien. With Jon Hamm, Rafe Spall, Oona Chaplin, Natalia Tena. Directed by Carl Tibbetts.
Three interconnected tales of technology run amok during the Christmas season are. Passende nok kjøpte nettopp Netflix rettighetene til serien slik at en lovlydig borger som meg selv kan nyte dette bisarre, tankevekkende og foruroligende mesterverket uten å måtte laste det ned. Si tratta di una serie antologica, in quanto scenari e personaggi sono. Keep the Car Running var den første singelen fra albumet som ble utgitt i Storbritannia.
Bandet annonserte først singelen den 19. Serial opowiada o negatywnym wpływie technologii na życie ludzi, oraz, co jest bardziej zauważalne zwłaszcza w sezonie trzecim, o tym jak ludzie źle wykorzystują coraz to nowsze wynalazki. Projekt britského Channel Černé zrcadlo je antologií samostatných televizních povídek, zasazených do blízké budoucnosti. Tak blízké, že se v mnoha.

De serie wordt geproduceerd door Zeppotron voor Endemol. Once the mainstay of Channel in the UK, and now a global Netflix phenomenon, the hit sci-fi series offers a dark and twisted reflection of society today – most often in its relationship to technology. Retrouvez tous les détails des saisons et des épisodes de la série, ainsi que toutes les news et les vidéos. The show is available on Netflix. From an 80s lesbian romance to a murderous choose-your-own adventure, here are the essential dystopian stories you must watch before the new.
What feels like a far-lesser sequel to ‘San Junipero’ turns the love between two men into a dunderheaded thought experiment. The acclaimed adventure game is back. Twenty-seven-year-old Danny Parker (Anthony Mackie) and his girlfriend Theo.

Everyone and their mother is hooked on the Netflix show, which just debuted its fourth season , but not all realize what its sinister AF title refers to. W mroczny i satyryczny sposób skupia się na tematach, które dotyczą współczesnego społeczeństwa, szczególnie na negatywnych konsekwencjach rozwoju nowych technologii. Każdy odcinek to osobna historia. We are currently editing 2articles and you can help!
A popular moppet in the Royal Family has been kidnappe and the parties responsible have no desire for money or power. L’episodio USS Callister della quarta stagione si è invece aggiudicato quattro premi Emmy.
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